Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Event 1

At the Anne Neimetz lecture tonight, I gained greater insight into the contribution between the arts and science in a subject I’m particularly passionate about. Fashion has been a big part of my life and I have never thought about the scientific part of it until tonight’s lecture.

Tonight’s lecture helped me understand deeper in the bigger picture of the class because it explained it with a topic I’m interested in. The addition to fashion with actual technology, such as lights on a dress, enhanced the style of the dress, and the artist had to have both scientific and artistic knowledge in order to create the dress and make it look fashionable at the same time.  This example helped me realize the contribution of science to fashion overall, not only in this specific instance. When I pick out my outfit, I make sure that all of the aspects such as the colors, style, and materials work together so the end product is presentable. This can be related to a formula, with all of the ingredients working together to come to the end product.
Tonight’s lecture helped me apply ideas in the class to my own personal life, and that’s significant because I feel

like I can benefit in multiple areas of my life with this broader range of skills.

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