Sunday, May 8, 2016

Biotechnology + Art

This week’s topic of biotechnology and art was very interesting to learn about. It is astonishing how biotechnology is used within art and how people use and work with living organisms such as bacteria and life processes when creating art work. Biotechnology and art is one of the most controversial topics we have covered so far because of the GMO’s in our food, experimentation with animals and creating hybrids between species, which has opposing views in our society.
For example, Eduardo Kac created a new art form called transgenic art. This art is based on the use of genetic engineering to transfer natural or synthetic genes to an organism, and to create living beings. Eduardo is an example as he created a “green fluorescent protein (GFP) Bunny” named Alba. Another example with someone using a living organism and transgenic art would be Kathy High in her experiment Embracing Animal. In her experiment, she used three transgenic lab rats and microinjected them with human DNA, allowing them to share our human genes. She used these rats to look at people’s attitudes towards them not only as pets, but as friends.  
Along with animals, gene modification with food is very common and has been occurring for years. Genetic modifications of food such as color, shape, size and economic factors have made food, in some ways, confusing. According Seed Magazine, the foods you eat often affect how your neurons behave and how you think and feel. Seed Magazine also says that from your brains perspective, food is a drug. Some companies have been producing genetically modified (GM) seeds. It is said that anything you consider to be food or anything that you put into your body, should be considered a drug. Even if the food is nutritious or not. Overall, biotechnology and art are highly regarded in society and the combination of the two are what created the controversial issues apparent today.

"GFP BUNNY." GFP BUNNY. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2016."Kathy High: Visual/media Artist, Independent Curator, Educator." Kathy High: Projects: Embracing Animal. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2016.
"Seed Magazineabout." This Is Your Brain on Food § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2016.
"Seed Magazineabout." Wanted: GM Seeds for Study § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2016.
(Intro Lecture)

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