Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 2: Math + Art

            `Throughout this week, I have gained great insights through the lectures and readings especially on the feats brought about through the combination of math and art, one being that neither can exist without the other. Linda Dalrymple Henderson’s The Fourth and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art, Revised Edition, exemplifies on this idea through her studies of the dimensions and how artists rely on mathematics such as non-Eauclidean geometry and a 4th dimension of space in the creation of modern art. In addition to the concept of artists using math to create pieces, Alberti gives his own definition of a painting stating, “A painting is the intersection of a visual pyramid at a given distance, with a fixed center and a defined position of light, represented by art with lines and colors on a given surface,” strongly suggesting that art is created through mathematics. Renee Goularte presents a lesson combining the aspects of both math and art. The beginning of this lesson consists of basic definitions of common terms used in both subjects, such as a point, line, and pattern, already showing how interchangeable these two “separate” subjects are.
            M. C Escher is a famous artist who created especially mathematically challenging artwork. He used mathematical techniques such as division, balance, and perspective in order to make pieces that would actually be mathematically impossible in the real world, but accurate in the artwork due to the way the human eye sees patterns.!Portrait.jpg
          These are photos of Escher and one of his pieces called “Relativity” showing a staircase not mathematically functional in the real world yet believable to the eye. Art is created through the understanding of mathematics, and then expanded on creatively.

        This image shows this idea of how a spiral is created, yet made to be artistic through creative traits such as coloring and shading. Overall, mathematics and science work together and add to each other, contributing to the expansion of one another. 

Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1963. Print. 

"Linking Math and Art Through the Elements of Design." Share2learn. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016

"M.C. Escher." - Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web 10 Apr. 2016. 
O'Connor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. "Mathematics and Art - Perspective." Mathematics and Art. N.p., Jan. 2003. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. 

"The Mathematics of Art - Math Central." The Mathematics of Art - Math Central. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. 


  1. Your discussion of Escher's mathematically nonfunctional, yet artistically possible artwork was fascinating, for it provided strong, adequate evidence for how "art is created through the understanding of mathematics, and then expanded on creatively."
    Can you please expand on how Escher applied the mathematical techniques of division, balance, and perspective? Did you mean that the aforementioned mathematical concepts were used to construct the basic infrastructure of his artwork, but that all these mathematical rules were later broken to produce his final product?

  2. These were some really good points that you mentioned that I found very interesting too. I also enjoyed the quote and pictures you used. Thank you for sharing!
